Papers & Presentations

Atoms frequently share what they know in journals, at conferences, and in classrooms.

The Atomic Accelerator: Staffing a 100-Year Company

Presented by
Presented at
November 1, 2020
Additional Presentations:
Written in
November 2020

In late 2015, Atomic Object faced a challenge: with a market-wide shortage in qualified software developer candidates, they were struggling to find the right people. At the same time, Atomic was experiencing increased turnover and ineffective hiring tactics. In response, they developed a recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and career development program that was values-inspired and people first. Last year they had approximately 250 qualified candidates for 7 open positions.

In this presentation, Mike Marsiglia, Co-CEO of Atomic Object, will share the story of how this program came to be and how it adjusted the trajectory of the company. Inspired by Mike’s favorite core value, Teach and Learn, the Atomic Accelerator directly supports the company’s goal to be a 100-year company by intentionally growing the next generation of Atomic leaders. Attendees will learn the strategy behind the program, the investment made, and the results they’ve achieved over the last five years.