Papers & Presentations

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Deconstructing Single Page Applications

Presented by
Presented at
Deconstructing Single Page Applications
January 1, 2015
Additional Presentations:

Ann Arbor .NET Developers Group | October 2015

Written in
January 2015

The modern web has introduced new demands for performance that cannot be met solely on the server side, and Single Page Applications (SPAs) have rushed in to meet those demands. The SPA universe is full of choices (Backbone, Angular, Ember and more). What sets them apart, and how do you choose one? They all address the same problem set: rendering, routing, data-binding, event handling, composability and others. By dissecting how different frameworks approach these problems, we can investigate the quirks that set frameworks apart and gain a more intimate understanding of the SPA architecture itself. For beginners, ninjas and anyone in between, this talk can guide you further in the search for SPA enlightenment.