Papers & Presentations

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Stage Fright: Don't Be Phased By Compilers

Presented by
Presented at
Stage Fright: Don't Be Phased By Compilers
Detroit Lambda Lounge
September 1, 2014
Additional Presentations:
Written in
Detroit Lambda Lounge
September 2014

Compilers may sound like deep magic, but there are many practical tools behind the mystique. This introductory talk will focus on "front-end" skills such as parsing, as well as compiling with continuations, bytecode virtual machines, and a bit of static analysis. No matter what platforms and languages you use, these are widely applicable to day to day problems that may not seem anything like "compilers".

You'll leave with some new techniques for managing structured data of any kind, and with enough context to recognize when others will be immediately useful in your projects. Even though you may never write a single line of assembly, compilers' building blocks can still be a valuable part of your toolkit.