Papers & Presentations

Atoms frequently share what they know in journals, at conferences, and in classrooms.

Diversity Is In Our DNA

Presented by
Presented at
West Michigan Design Week
April 1, 2016
Additional Presentations:
Written in
West Michigan Design Week
April 2016

Diversity and Inclusion hashtags are commonly trending, the conversations and dialogue are increasing in technology and design circles. The dynamics of collaboration are crucial for the success, sustainability, and growth of any design team. How does diversity of thought—shaped by gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability status, socioeconomic status, age, physical appearance, religion, political affiliation, and more—impact change and growth? What are inclusive practices to highlight, hire, and retain designers from underrepresented groups? What are the next steps to see variety in a homogenous workplace? Can we increase mentorships, apprenticeships and community engagement? Who is part of the solution? Who will become a design leader for diversity and inclusion in West Michigan?