Our Former Headquarters - A Historic Building
Historic Photos of Wealthy Street Neighborhood
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Reeds Lake Railway Streetcar & Barn, circa 1900
1514 Wealthy Street at Lake & Wealthy
The streetcar barn in the background would later be used as a commercial building, eventually home to Atomic Object's first office before moving to 941 Wealthy Southeast.
Today, just to the left and out of frame of this photo stands local landmark Wolfgang's.

Post's Drug Store & Mulder's Meat Market, 1913
Southwest corner of Wealthy & Diamond, looking west
Today, this corner is the Uptown Village development.

941 Wealthy Building Announcement, Grand Rapids Herald, March 19, 1916

Helmus Family, circa 1916
Northwest corner of Wealthy & Diamond
The building in the background is the Helmus Brothers office at the corner of Diamond and Wealthy — later replaced by a Helmus warehouse. Note the sign on the door explaining that the office has moved — almost certainly directing visitors to 941 Wealthy.

Helmus Brothers Envelope, September 11, 1920

Wealthy Street Baptist Temple, circa 1924
Northeast corner of Wealthy & Eastern
An example of architect Pierre Lindhout's work; today it continues as a church and serves as the western landmark of the Wealthy Theatre Historic District.

Helmus Brothers Horse-Drawn Sled in Front of 941 Wealthy, undated

June 30, 1937, Grand Rapids Press
Thomas Helmus' death makes front-page news.

Thomas Helmus & family, undated (before sixth child)

Station C Post Office, July 12, 1939

Wealthy Theatre, March 13, 1947
(Another example of architect Pierre Lindhout's work)

Grand Rapids Rehabilitation League, February 20, 1957

Red Cross Car and Patient Promotional Photo, February 20, 1957
Photo looks southeast from the Wealthy entrance of 941 Wealthy during the period of the Grand Rapids Rehabilitation League. Note the car lot and billboard in the background that were yet present until the 2007/2008 construction of the Uptown Village development.

December 20, 1970
Northwest corner of Wealthy & Diamond, as seen from east side of Diamond
The Helmus Brothers company was sold to Elston Storage and then to Blodgett Storage in the mid 1920s. This photo shows a Blodgett truck facing south on Diamond Ave. The Helmus warehouse built in 1920 is seen in the background.

Atomic Object, 2007
Photo Credits
(In order of appearance)
- Streetcar & barn - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Post's Drug Store - Heritage Hall photo by permission of Calvin College Archives
- Building announcement - Grand Rapids Herald, March 19, 1916
- Helmus family - unknown
- Helmus Brothers envelope - by permission of Ruth Holkeboer
- Wealthy Street Baptist Temple - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Horse-drawn sled - unknown
- Thomas Helmus' death - Grand Rapids Press, June 30, 1937
- Helmus family - unknown
- Station C Post Office - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Wealthy Theatre - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Grand Rapids Rehabilitation League - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Red Cross car & patient - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Blodgett moving truck - by permission of the Grand Rapids Public Library
- Atomic Object - Copyright Atomic Object