Allen Janyska

Software Consultant & Developer


Grand Rapids

Allen Janyska

Software Consultant & Developer

Grand Rapids

I was first introduced to software through gaming. My dad was in the military, and he and I would play online together as a way to connect while he was on deployments. The games we played would come with us whenever and wherever we moved. As a teenager, I started experimenting with downloading and creating modifications for the games. I created entirely new experiences and improved existing ones. I took a couple of programming classes in high school, and knew that software was something I wanted to pursue in college.

I used my time at Michigan State University to build my technical knowledge and find exactly what I wanted to do with software. I enjoyed being close to the hardware. I worked with C++, and learned how operating systems manage resources and run the machines we use. Through an internship, I built a Python application that monitored the Kubernetes cloud environment the company used. This took pressure off the company’s server administrator, who now received alerts when something was wrong. I found that I enjoyed writing software to make people’s lives easier and more productive.

In my free time I work on unity games and compete in online tournaments. Outside of cyberspace, I play tabletop games, love going on ski trips, and traveling to see friends and family.

Papers and presentations

Meet the Atoms

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Sulaiman Bah