Jing Fan
Software Consultant & Developer
Ann Arbor
Jing Fan
Software Consultant & Developer
Ann Arbor

I love to code.
I just didn't realize that until I was happily doing my college roommate's programming assignment, in a coding language that I hadn’t learned, while she was pulling her hair out.
Sometime after this discovery, I graduated from UC San Diego with dual degrees in Computer Science Engineering and Economics. Leaving California for Ann Arbor's more exciting seasons allowed me to become a better developer because winter days were great motivators for focusing on work (seriously). I began my career at an incubated startup here in Ann Arbor, where the environment helped hone my skills in agile software development. After taking a break for family, I am thrilled to be at Atomic Object, where I’m reminded how fulfilling this journey has been – and continues to be.
In my spare time, I love to share delicious food and plot home renovations while quietly rearranging the furniture.